Ayurvedic Treatment of Water Retention (Edema) - Real Testimonials | Patients Feedback

Testimonial - 1

Hello Doctor,

Our family wishes to express our heartfelt appreciation for the kindness and excellent Ayurveda medicine prescribed to my mother. She is a heart patient & was suffering from Edema in legs & feet she was not able to wear slippers.

Medicines received on 20th JAN from past 11 days she is taking your medicines we all are shocked by the results.

It is a miracle swollen feet reduced all the excess fluid drained out i guess hardly 20% left still 19 days left.

Actually i was suppose to send thank you mail after the course completion God bless you & whole team of Planet Ayurveda.

I will take my mother to hospital after she completes her Ayurveda course for scanning & testing.

I will scan & send all the reports for next course of action.

Medicines prescribed.

  • Punarnava mandoor (1 bottle) - 2 morning 2 evening
  • Jalodharari ras (60 tab) - 1 morning 1 evening
  • Gokshuruadhi guggul (1 bottle) - 2 morning 2 evening
  • Arjun tea (1 pack) - 1 cup daily


Syed samiulla

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