Contact Best Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines Manufacturer in India

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified, US-FDA registered for legal exports to USA, ISO 9001:2015, HACCP, Kosher, Halal, WHO-GMP, Organic certified Manufacturing unit based in India, founded in 2002 by Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda). It came into existence as a subsidiary or as a brand name of the parent company known as Krishna Herbal Company, which is also owned by Dr. Vikram Chauhan.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan is MD in Ayurvedic medicine (Herbal Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy) and all these formulations developed by him got popular around the world quickly because of their efficacy.

We did not put any efforts in advertising the products and we regularly get queries from people around the world to be our distributors as they hear about the effectiveness of the products.

There is Our Distributors section. Please have a look as we have listed all our distributors at our website. Our products are available in Singapore, Parts of USA, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Macedonia, Latvia, Dubai, Algeria and many other parts of the world.

Our main focus always remains on quality and using the best quality herbs and standardized extracts to be made into international quality herbal supplements in a GMP certified facility. Since Dr. Vikram Chauhan is himself a clinician and checks about 30 patients in his clinic every day, so he developed the products from his practice point of view.

We get a lot of encouraging testimonials everyday. We assure you quality products, quality service and excellent results. Read More about Dr. Vikram Chauhan ...

We have regular distributors in many parts of the world and there are many satisfied patients who have used our products and are using regularly and recommending to their friends and relatives. We welcome people who want to be our distributors in their territories. Please don't hesitate to write to us. We will be glad to get back to you quickly within 24 hrs. or less.

Planet Ayurveda updates information about Ayurveda, health, herbs and other nutrition related topics at various social medial channels. You can check and

The permanent Address for Correspondence for Suppliers / Buyers / Customers / Patients / Sending documents is:


Plot No. 627, JLPL, Industrial Area

Sector - 82, Mohali - 160055, Punjab (INDIA)

Phone : +91-172-521-4040

Office timings

10:00 AM To 6:00 PM (Indian Standard Time), Mon to Sat

OPD Timings

Dr. Vikram Chauhan OPD Timings

11:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Only available on Monday & Tuesday)

NOTE - Dr. Vikram Chauhan is not available for Clinic OPD on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays

Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan OPD Timings

11:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)

NOTE - Always Confirm the Availability of Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan before Visiting

Physical Consultations

For your Pulse examination, Prakriti Analysis, Physical consultation with Dr. Vikram Chauhan, you can visit our centre after fixing an appointment by calling at this No. +91-172-5214040 (Call between 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM Indian Standard Time - Monday to Saturday). Please do not come without appointment.

For Whatsapp Consultation

(+91) 9915-593-604
(+91) 8427-494-030

E-Mail Consultations & Health Related Queries

Read all 8 points before writing us an E-mail:-

  1. Try to make the subject line catchy so that we reply quickly (For example - Do not write URGENT or something like this), Write - Patient name - City Name - Disease name - Phone No. in the subject line.
    For example : John - New York - Kidney Failure - 001-255-654-5456
  2. Location - Your location is very important to us. Please write your City, State, Country, Phone no to us so that we can help you quickly.
  3. Always mention the list of medicines in a list wise manner, if you are taking any allopathic / ayurvedic medicines or Ayurvedic supplements from us. Remember that everytime you write to us, please send us the list of medicines you are already taking.
  4. If you are already in conversation with us, then do not compose new E mail but always keep the whole old conversation with us in the trail mail. It will be good if you can always send us your address, phone no. in your email. May be you are near to our Distributor and we can serve you in a better way.
  5. Always write Name of the medicines you are taking and your phone no. in the mail - so that we can edit them, modify them or help you in a better way. Do not call us for making changes in your list of medicines.
  6. Send E-mail with brief summary of your disease & reports (If any). Do not send us only reports or so many attachments. Send only latest reports and always write brief summary of your disease and current symptoms.
  7. Since we get a lot of E-mails and Dr. Vikram Chauhan prefers to reply all of them by himself, so kindly be patient at least for 1 or 2 days.
  8. Check our Exclusive Outlets page. If you are near to any of our Outlets, then you can contact them for our products. Check -

Now you can send us an Email- after reading above mentioned 8 points. Write an E-mail to us at ( Read above 8 points before sending ). Your location is very important to us. Please write your City, State, Country, Phone no to us so that we can help you quickly.

For Customer Care

Please contact at +91-172-521-4040 (10:00 AM to 5:30 PM - IST - Monday to Saturday) or mail at

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Planet Ayurveda Products

Prakriti Analysis