Frigidity - Herbal Remedies % Ayurvedic Treatment % Natural SupplementsFrigidity is the term used to refer to a low libido or sex drive in women. In other words, a woman is said to be emotionally cold and does not respond to her partner's sexual advances. In some cases, women may refuse or avoid sexual intimacy and may endure it without being able to reach orgasm. Frigidity in women may involve a strong dislike of sexual activity and difficulty becoming aroused. Some women may face pain with sexual activity or intercourse and little pleasure in the activity. Frigidity is a sort of sexual dysfunction in women and was reported to be largely due to some psychological problems. Recent research has revealed possible physical causes which may include anxiety, depression, changes related to menopause, communication problems with partner, damage to nerves due to surgery and most often fear of pain, infection or being pregnant. Some women on account of frigidity have been found to have feelings of guilt and shame about sex, history of sexual abuse, infection or gynecological disease, lack of appropriate stimulation, lack of lubrication, medication, stress or fatigue. The main reason behind frigidity is complete absence of sexual desire and an inability to find pleasure in sexual intercourse. Frigidity is generally of psychic cause. There is a feeling of guilt, fear, depression and a sense of inferiority or conflict with one's mate. Some past unfortunate experience and misinformation often lays the groundwork for the problem of frigidity. Conflict or difference in opinion within the relationship is another important factor. It has been observed that a couple is always arguing or fighting and it can lead to problems in sexual activities. A major turn-off is the anxiety when it comes to sex. Occasional worries are natural and these can become exaggerated when more emphasis is placed on the physical side of love-making, rather than emotional. It is obvious that tiredness and worries about other things in life can affect libido or sex drive in women. Other causes of frigidity may include having been sexually abused as a child and over dependence on parents and other health problems such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes etc. Since the relationship between the woman and her partner has shown significant problems of frigidity, most treatment programs are designed to be implemented by the couple. However, the treatment is mainly focused on women, her diet and lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided. Sex drive in females can be boosted with the increased intake of spices like fennel, parsley, sage, and anise. Some physicians also recommend increasing the use of fresh fruits, fresh fruit juices, almonds, raisins, figs and prunes. Ayurvedic treatment consists of restoring the health of the person by recommendation of natural herbs. These herbs help to serve as rejuvenating tonics. Herbal treatments strengthen the mind and heal the disturbances at a mental level. There are many herbal remedies for frigidity in women that can enhance the libido. The natural herbs used in the herbal remedies not only increase the desire for lovemaking, but also enhances the pleasures of sexual activities. These remedies help to improve the overall health of the woman by strengthening the organs of the body. Some effective herbal remedies for frigidity in women help to increase the pleasures of intimate time. In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is regarded as an important vajikarana rasayana. It increases the sexual potency and is used in the treatment of infertility, impotence and frigidity. Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng, Winter cherry and is a plant of Solanaceae or nightshade family. It has been described in the sacred texts of Ayurveda as a tonic enhancing the reproductive functions of both men and women.
Regular use of Ashwagandha capsules brings the strength back to muscles, relieves the muscles and calm down the system. It is a nerve tonic, enhances stamina physical as well as mental. It can be given to growing children, as well as to old age people.
Serving Size- 1 Vegi Cap Dosage-1-2 capsules twice daily, with plain water after meals Side Effects-No Side effects, Can be used with other herbal Supplements, Vitamins or other herbal remedies or natural products. Chemical Composition of AshwagandhaThe roots excrete Cuseihygrine, Anahygrine, Tropine and 13 different kinds of acid. The acids include Vithenyle oil, which evaporates, Hentiroctane, Phitosteryl are obtained. It also contains a chemical called Bidaphyrine A. Other than these-- Glycoside, Vithenyle, acidic starch, contain Vethinine and someniphyrine alkaline and nicotine somanani vetheninine alkaline. Parts Used-Roots

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