Diabetic Neuropathy - Herbal Treatment, Ayurvedic Medicine, Natural Supplements, Diabetic Neuropathy TreatmentDiabetic neuropathy is damage to nerves in the body and it occurs due to high blood sugar level from diabetes. The nerve injuries are caused by decreased blood flow and high blood sugar level. It has been estimated that more than half of people suffering from diabetes will develop nerve damage. The nerve damage may affect nerves in the skull i.e. cranial nerves, nerves in the spinal column and their branches. Nerves that control vital body organs such as the heart, bladder, stomach and intestines also get damaged due to diabetic neuropathy. The symptoms may develop slowly over several years and often vary depending on the nerves that are affected. Due to diabetic neuropathy, tingling or burning in the arms and legs may be an early sign of nerve damage. The symptoms often start in the toes and feet. Deep pain is felt in the feet and legs. Nerve damage may cause the person to lose feeling in the arms and legs. Because of this, the affected person may not notice when he or she touches something that is too hot or cold. On account of diabetic neuropathy, damage to nerves in the heart and blood vessels may cause feeling of light-headed, have a fast heart rate and chest pain that warns of heart disease and heart attack. Other symptoms of nerve damage may include sexual problems. Men may have problems with erections and women may have trouble with vaginal dryness. Bladder problem leads to leakage of urine. Food control of diabetes is the key to treating diabetic neuropathy. There is no cure for neuropathy, but the blood sugar should be kept normal within a target range. Controlling diabetes means maintaining blood sugar levels within the target range. This will do more than anything else to help prevent diabetic neuropathy from getting worse. Treatment for diabetic neuropathy depends on the type of symptoms and the type of neuropathy. In general, treatment focuses on reducing current symptoms and preventing the condition from getting worse by keeping blood sugar level within a narrow target range. Blood sugar levels can be kept within the target range by taking insulin or oral diabetes medicine as prescribed by the doctor. It is important to properly care for feet when a person has diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy has been reported to cause a loss of feeling in feet. It is possible for a sore or other foot problem to go unnoticed. Another treatment options relate to maintain healthy habits such as consulting the doctor regularly, controlling blood pressure, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoid smoking and alcohol. Many people with peripheral neuropathy may have mild to severe pain in specific parts of their bodies. Medicines such as pain relievers are used to relieve pain. Allopathic medicines may include opiate pain relievers, anti-depressant and anti-convulsion medications. Herbal treatment for diabetic neuropathy treatment is not new. In Ayurveda, plants and plant extracts were used since ancient times to combat diabetic neuropathy. The natural herbs are most effective, relatively non-toxic and have no side-effects. According to Ayurveda, the balance of three energies i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body is a disease-free state, whereas their imbalance causes diseases. In Ayurveda, imbalance in Vata and Kapha is considered as root cause of diabetic neuropathy. Herbs in our 'Diabetic Neuropathy Care Pack' control both Vata and Kapha and thus good in controlling sugar levels. Our natural herbal remedies help improve physical and mental ability, supports energy, stamina and vitality. It is purely chemical-free herbal product. It enhances the production of insulin by rejuvenating the pancreas. Our Diabetic Neuropathy Care Pack is also very helpful in erectile dysfunctioning due to diabetic neuropathy. HERBAL REMEDIES FOR DIABETIC NEUROPATHYThis herbal pack is specially designed for taking care of diabetic neuropathy. The 3 different formulations are used as effective Ayurvedic medicines for diabetic neuropathy. These herbal remedies can be used along with the already going on treatment of diabetes. These products do not drop down sugar levels immediately. You should buy herbal remedies for diabetic neuropathy (which are explained below) for about 1 month at least to see the results.
Detailed Information About Herbs For Diabetic NeuropathyLatin name - Withania somnifera It is also very useful for fatigue, pain in calf muscles, weight loss due to diabetes, loss of sensation in feet and periphery, feeling of fatigue and aches around shoulders and neck region. It also improves other symptoms of diabetes like weight loss due to diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, nerve exhaustion, anxiety, stress, increased urination and frequent urination. Ashwa means horse and in Ayurveda Ashwagandha is popularly used for many ailments ranging from general to sexual weakness. It is also an effective herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction due to diabetic neuropathy and nerve weakness. Ashwagandha, one of the most valuable herbs in the Ayurvedic medical system dating back more than 3,000 years. Perhaps the most famous Ayurvedic rejuvenative botanical used in many tonics and formulas, Ashwagandha is a rejuvenative that helps maintain proper nourishment of the tissues, particularly muscle and bone, while supporting the proper function of the adrenals, nervous tissue and reproductive system. Ashwagandha Capsules![]() Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an herb regarded as a 1st class adaptogenic tonic in one of the world's greatest herbal medical systems. Ashwagandha, also known as "Winter Cherry," improves the body's ability to maintain physical effort and helps the body adapt to various types of stress. Ashwagandha is the best herb for balancing "Vata" in the body. "Vata" governs all movement in the body, including the movement of nerve impulses throughout the nervous system. It is a nerve tonic, enhances stamina physical as well as mental. It can be given to growing children as well as to old age people. Read More Shilajit Capsules![]() Shilajit is one of the best anti-aging natural remedy and useful in a preventing a number of diseases. Shilajit is not only a preventive of many diseases or but also has therapeutic values. The medicinal properties make it best adaptive, restorative, rejuvenative and 'rasayana'. Shilajit capsules contain fresh Shilajit extract sourced from Himalayan Mountains and is rich in natural fulvic acid content which is the major reason for activity of Shilajit. Fulvic acid is not an acid but is nature's best anti-oxidant and an alkalizer. Shilajit provides minerals and vitamins- at least 85 micro minerals are found in Shilajit making it best natural supplement for maintenance of health. Shilajit has no contraindication and is completely safe for consumption. Read More Chanderprabha Tablets![]() Chanderprabha Vati is an ancient herbal remedy and stimulates the mood for sex. The biggest change to any organ is the prostate and ovaries. A dramatic youthful correction is seen and urinary complaints due to swellings of these organs disappear. It is also used in other Urinary tract and genital organ problems; emotion related stressful conditions, Diabetes and its complications like diabetic neuropathy. Chanderprabha Vati comes in beautiful silver coated tablets containing about 37 different ingredients and is 100 % natural supplement without any preservatives or chemicals. Read More |
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